photo of abstract painting

Things Old and New by Pamela Pettis: 3/2/2022 revised

Yup the title says it all things old and things new. What does that mean? Here in the South Texas area, we like many are heading in Spring Season. Fragrances of flowers are in the air, pollen and oak falling from the trees, the sun smiling down on us just a little bit longer puts me in the mind of projects, goals, and things I had failed to get done before the year 2022. Which brings me to the new. This is a new year of possibilities. I know there is some much going on around us all. Let’s be honest there is always something going on its life. Should it dictate every part of our lives I pray not. If you are anything like me, I made and projected my self to have lots of things to do and see. Winter curtailed my patio project. Rain and fridge air curtailed my garden project. My laziness curtailed my in-house painting projects, starting my exercise workouts again, fixing my eating habits, sleeping better and finding and outlet to get rid of my life’s stress. OMG who out there can relate to me?

               I told myself its not to late. I have breath in my body and the activity of my limbs. I can take my 2021 projects and start working on them in 2022. I like millions of people around the world suffer from depression. Some days I don’t want to do anything. Some days I want to do everything. If you are wondering I am so much better than I was some time ago. I was a hot mess. I saw no beauty and I never knew if things were going to ever get good again or if they ever really were. I will say talking to my God helped me get through some dark and lonely times. Connecting with even just once person changed my mood mentally and physically. Talking to strangers standing in line for coffee, tires shop, grocery story, the neighborhood. I just felt connect as if I mattered. I know that seems so small we have our personal demons but it worked for me.

I then started to create projects for me to do and places I wanted to see. I am no means a world traveler. I have never been outside my own country but God made a way for me to go to Las Vegas, Miami, Florida Beach, Ohio, and Louisiana. It’s not much but for a home body like me that is ginormous. So, me making to do lists gave me a sense of purpose and pride. It pushed me to complete projects that made me or someone else happy. So old things that you wanted to do in 2021 can become new things in 2022.  I am excited about the possibilities of what this year will bring. I am not naive to think all is well, but I am going to do my best to carve a little happiness and peace for myself. I am worth it.   Just this week I started my exercise workout routine. Ugh I am soar but no pain no gain right, uh yea right lol. I am suffering a set back with my knee will see my doctor in two weeks. I am praying for good news. I started meal prepping around the same time. The weather is changing slowly but surely and I need to get my knee in condition to continue to work on my patio. All is not loss my fellow blog readers. We can still play catch up or if you want delete all the old and make a totally new plan that is just for and about you. Lets’ go for it my fellow blog readers. Let’s make it count! We deserve to it.  Til I write to you again be blessed each and every one of you.

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