Saying Hello and Good Bye   by, Pamela Pettis

2021, 2022,2023 has come and gone and hello 2024. I cannot and will not speak for anyone but myself I am truly thankful 2021 is over. It was such a painful, tiring and draining year for me and my family. I can only assume some of you have been exhausted as well just trying to navigate through this pandemic.  I’m sure we all are going to make our adjustments mentally, physically, and emotionally to accept our new normal. Human beings are resistant that way. We accept life challenges everyday the moment God let us open our eyes. We get up with our aches and pains. We get up with our immediate to do list. We get up to make sure when someone else up to start their day. We just do it.

This year it is my hope, prayer, and wish that we take the time to make it count. What do you mean Pamela Pettis “Make it Count?” With everything we all have going on in our lives we have to make our lives count as well. Instead of grabbing a taco, how about make your own taco. Instead of skipping breakfast have a breakfast. Fuel up to tackle your morning what ever it may be. We also need to take the time to be kind our bodies. Stretching in the morning when you get up is a great way to get the blood circulating and the muscles and tendons to warm up. When we stretch our body also start to automatically feel relax not rushed or agitated. The mind also starts to relax.

Making it count also has to do with taking the time to go on a walk, listen to your favorite music or artist. Sit in a nice quite place and let your mind just dream of the future you want or enjoy the present your in.  I will say this for me I make it count when I just say God “Thank you” Thank you for my health and strength, thank you for letting me be closed in my right mind, thank you for food, shelter, clothing, and family.  Because our days are filled with work, errands, to do lists; its important that before you close your eyes to prepare for the next day you find 5 min to make it count. Call a friend just to say, ‘hey” “hi”. Dance if that’s your thing, sing no matter if you hit the note or not. Walk down the street feel God’s love and warmth surrounding you giving you a big hug and kiss. All I am saying is that in 2022 those of us that have survived through the lost of loved ones or if we ourselves came close to death’s door due to the pandemic or some other illness. We should be kind to ourselves and kind to others. Everyone is going through something.

We all wear our pain in different ways. Even through pain and grief we are a resistant species. We are resistant. Love yourself, take better care of yourself if you know you have fallen short in this part of your life. Its ok if people in your circle don’t understand why you cry at a sunset, laugh at yourself when you fall, trying a different hair style or color that makes you feel great about you. Not everyone in your circle will understand the changes you are going through and why. But if your circle of friends and family care they will support you. Hell, you may even empower them to live out loud. Make it count my beloved readers. If anything, this pandemic has taught us, we have one life. So, take responsibility for your own happiness and guess what you will attract other happy people. Just imagine happy people becoming contagious and spreading that joy where ever they go. It would be a lot less stress and more happiness. Remember my beloved readers werallnthis2gether. What affects you affects someone one family or not? So, as I leave you on the first day of 2022, may God bless you and your family and may God always keep a hand in our lives. Be blessed my beloved readers until I meet again.

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