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Get Back on Track by: Ms. P.

Good evening my fellow blog readers. It has been a while since I have blogged anything new. I came to a point where I had nothing of value to say. I fell into a slump. Any of you ever fall into a slump and you feel like you are all over the place.   Well, that is how I felt. I even slipped into depression. As the new year was approaching, I literally had to take stoke in what exactly happened in 2023 that put me in such as dark mood. So, I sat down made a list of pros and cons. I noticed that I had more pros than cons. The problem I had was I focused to hard on what was going wrong instead of the things that were going right. We all know that we are not perfect and we are going to make some wrong decisions hell, even some bad ones but we should not let it define us. It took me a while to snap out of it. If you find yourself in a dark place in your life where you feel you have nowhere to go look inside yourself. I did. I faced the woman in the mirror.  I didn’t like what I saw but I was able to pull myself up and fix what went wrong.

I am not done working on myself (whoever is) but the place I’m in now, its’s not so dark. The first step I took to get out of my funk was doing something that I like. Like many of you I like a variety of things. I love to laugh so comedy whether by phone on TV I just wanted to laugh. I enjoy walking by the water (yes, I am a beach girl). I enjoy singing (for myself). Gardening was and still is a HUGE deal for me. I just focused on things that brought me peace joy and happiness. My problems or situations are still going to be there and through time they will work themselves out. Connect with others if you can. You don’t have to talk about what’s bothering you just be in the moment.

We are going to find ourselves fall by the way side every now an then. We may go down a path we thought was right and half way through we realize it was so wrong. Its ok we are human. We are not perfect. We need to give ourselves some grace. When we are determined to make a change a change will happen. All of us get off track. That is why life by the grace of God a long journey. It is up to us to get back on track.  I realize that I was not alone. You are not alone either. I know it feels like sometimes. God is always near and God always hears. My fellow blog readers as I end my blog. Please remember we are stronger together because werallnthis2gether.  Much love and peace to each of you until I blog again.

God Bless,

Ms. P. 1/6/2024

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