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Changing the Ugh Moments to the Aah Moments, by Pamela Pettis 1/12/2022

Hi there my fellow blog readers. I pray all is well with you and your family. At the very least I pray all is good with yourself. I on the other hand is suffering this night through and ugh moment. What is that you say? My ugh moment is I have had a long day at work ugh I am so glad it is over. I am hungry but I do not feel like cooking what am I going to eat and dam why don’t I have some snacks on hand. Oh, yea I am supposed to be trying to eat healthy because my but need to get it together and loose this weight. So, I wait and see if I can just let it pass drink some water, take a shot of tequila call it night. But nope. UGH! Now as old as I am I need to make sure that I pay attention to eating, sleeping, exercising and minimizing my stress. Well dam. I am normal. Not everyday is good day so I have to give myself some grace when I mess up or fall from grace. We all have to be kinder to ourselves when we don’t do the workout that was scheduled for the day. What about when you make a commitment to stay within your caloric intake but you just had to have that extra slice of pizza, pie or French fry. Don’t throw in the towel. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Take a deep breath. Evaluate what happened and why then back get back into. Trust me when you keep coming up with reason why you can’t when you can the excuses become so habitual you don’t even realize weeks, months, and possibly a year has gone by. All the progress you started out with, the strides, the hurdles you concurred was for nothing. All because you let your life be full of excuses. I did that. I worked out hard for two straight years. I was so committed. I lost 25lbs and had kept if off. I paid attention to what I ate. I paid attention to what I drank, how much sleep was I getting. I mean I was on top of things. I was so proud of the work and the progress. I got majorly ill in March of 2019.

My beautiful daughter kept hounding me to go to the ER. So, I did. I was put on 5 medications. I did not realize what COVID-19. I come to find out over 6 months later, I had all the symptoms. I just thought I caught a bug because so many of my students were coming down ill. It was a scary moment in my life. Fast forward, I eventually got better but I notice my drive for a healthier lifestyle was gone. I felt like I was always in survival mode. I mean I was literally doing as little as possible about my diet and exercise. I kept to self. Did not want anything to do with anyone just immediate family. What I did not realize I started to develop excuses and reasons not maintain self-care. Heck I even develop some unhealthy habits in the end. All I am saying is this. Don’t let excuses today become excuses for every day. I haven’t given up. I just don’t do what I used to do when I noticed half the weight I lost came back, which was cry, self-isolate, became broody or short with family and friends.  Now I just tell myself don’t give up. Life literally is a journey and you have some choices to make along your journey that can and will impact your life. No matter what love it, live it, and accept it. When you can make changes because its your choice make the change. If you don’t see the need or you’re not ready but you know you need to work yourself up to it. It will happen. The change will come and maybe just maybe we will all have lets UGH moments and more Aah moments. Well, my fellow blog readers, this where I leave you. I have eaten 4 slices of pizza and one habanero hot wing. I am ready for bed.  I pray this blog finds you well and may you have gleaned something from it. Until I next blog remember WeRallNthis2gether.

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